And you will have knowledge of what is true, and that will make you free. João 8:32.
In the Holy Scriptures of different religions there are different names for God the Father.
However, only one being in the entire universe is God the Father.
Likewise, there may be thousands of human beings, with the name of Jesus, but only one is our Jesus.
Therefore, each of the human beings that ever existed, or will exist, is unique, throughout the universe and for all time.
You, who are reading this revealing text, are a unique being. Only you have your story, but nobody. It is your story that qualifies you as you. There is no one else with your story.
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and for ever. Hebreus 13:8.
Our Jesus is unique, only he has his story, but nobody.
And every human being, who has some religious knowledge, knows a little about the history of Jesus Christ.
Now, what is the story of God the Father, so that we can identify him as a being different from all beings?
The story of God the Father became known by the testimony of Jesus Christ. Before Jesus Christ we did not know who God the Father was. Matthew Mateus 11:27; Luke Lucas 10:22.
No man has seen God at any time; the only Son, who is on the breast of the Father, he has made clear what God is. João 1:18.
Who (Jesus) is the image of the unseen God coming into existence before all living things; Colossenses 1:15.
Jesus Christ is the understandable demonstration of the love of God the Father.
And so that there was no doubt, from the cloud the voice of God the Father said: This is my Son, the man of my selection; give ear to him. Luke Lucas 9:35; Mark Marcos 9:7; While he was still talking, a bright cloud came over them: and a voice out of the cloud, saying, This is my dearly loved Son, with whom I am well pleased; give ear to him.
Matthew Mateus17:5; Mateus3:17; 2 Peter 2 Pedro 1:17; Mark Marcos 1:11.
Therefore, Jesus declares: Whoever sees me sees Father John João 14:9; I and the Father are one. John João 10:30.
Therefore, Jesus and the father have the same procedure. And Jesus Christ added: "There is no one good but one who is God." Luke Lucas 18:19; Mark Marcos 10:18.
Therefore, whoever wants to know God the Father must first know Jesus Christ. Because (Jesus is) the way, the truth and the life; no one (goes) to the Father, except through Jesus Juan João 14:6.
Whoever wants to know who Jesus Christ is and, therefore, to know God the Father, will have to keep his commandments. John João 14:15-17; John João 14:21.
And the main commandment that Jesus Christ testifies to is: "Love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you and pray for those who mistreat and persecute you, that you may be a child of God the Father." Matthew Mateus5:44,45; Luke Lucas 6:27; Luke Lucas 6:35.
Therefore, we know that: Every good and true thing is given to us from heaven, coming from the Father of lights, with whom there is no change or any shade made by turning. James Tiago 1:17.
Let no man say when he is tested, I am tested by God; for it is not possible for God to be tested by evil, and he himself puts no man to such a test: Tiago 1:13.
Therefore, make the tree good, and its fruit good; or make the tree bad, and its fruit bad; for by its fruit you will get knowledge of the tree. Matthew Mateus12:33.
But let your words be simply, Yes or No: and whatever is more than these is of the Evil One. Mateus5:37.
Now that you know Jesus Christ and, therefore, you know God the Father, you know the truth. In all Scripture, called Sacred, where there is some human or divine manifestation, which contradicts the testimony of Jesus Christ, it comes from the Evil One; murderer and liar, emperor of death, as Jesus Christ declares in John
João 8:44,45 and Hebreus Hebreus2:14,15.
No being is good, because it is said to be good.
Nor is it fair, because it is said to be fair.
Much less, holy, because it is said to be holy.
To be considered good, just and holy, a being must bear witness with his life. Other than that, he is a murderous and lying demon. Juan João 8:39-45.
Therefore, from now on, when you read the scriptures called sacred, where there is a manifestation qualified as divine, that does not have the testimony of Jesus Christ, have no doubts, it is the work of the devil.
In Jesus Christ, grace and peace.